Abhishek Bosu

Hundred years back, on 17 March, 1920 our great leader, our father of the nation was born in Tungipara under Gopalganj district. His father’s name was Lutfar Rahman and mother name was Saira Khatun. Who knew this newly born child was going to be the future builder of Bangladesh? If Sheikh Mujib was not born, undoubtedly, the emancipation of Bangalis and Bangladesh would remain a dream forever. As a matter of fact, to lead a nation to the exact direction, to assist the nation to have the taste of freedom, a bold and determined leader is inevitably needed. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was that leader who showed the road to freedom to the Bangali nation.

Bangabandhu proved his political intelligence during his student life. At the of 34, he actively involved himself in the politics of Juktofront in1954; for a short time he discharged the duty of a minister of Juktofront and raised demand of Bagalis to Pakistani occupation forces. He was also involved in different political affairs and organised student community in demanding several rights of them. Bangabandhu passed HSC from Kotkata Islamia College and graduated in law from Dhaka University. At that time, he came into close contact with Moulana Hamid Khan Bhashani, the then accomplished political figure, and with Sher- e – Bangla AK Fazlul Haque. In 50′ decade Sheikh Mujib emerged as the topmost rising political personality in the East Bengal.

Bangabandhu loved Bagla and Bangali so intensely that he always, intermittently, submitted the demand of op*pressed Bangalis to West Pakistan government, always stood by them in danger. Bangalis also loved Sheikh Muhib from their heart, and named him ‘Bangabandhu’. Bangabandhu inspired people not to give in to Pakistani forces, but to go on with their non- cooperation movement untill freedom is achieved. Mujib placed historic six point demand, which is regarded as the document of liberation of Bangalis, before West Pakistan Government. But the Pakistan government neglected it. Then a storm of pr*otest arose from everywhere, which frig*htened Ayub Khan government, and being frig*htened Ayub Khan resigned his post handing over the power to General Yahiha Khan who pledged to agitated Bangalis to conduct election to stop their movement. And in 1970 a general election was conducted in East Bengal between Bangabandhu led Awami League and Pakistan led Muslim League. The election result is known to all. Awami League achieved a landslide victory, but was rejected to assume power by Pakistan government. At this stage liberation war became inevitable. It was Sheikh Mujib who organised all Bangalis in Rescourse Ground ( present Sorawardy Uddan) to expose to them the history of op*pression of last 23 years. On that day of 7 March, 1971 Bangabandhu delivered a historic speech that was a message for Bangalis to fight back to gain independence. All Bangalis responded Bangabandhu’s call, they fought, sac*rificed lives and achieved freedom at last.

The historic 7 March speech of Bangabandhu, recently, has been recognised by UNESCO, which is a pride for Bangladesh.

Bangabandhu desired to rebuild wa*r rav*aged Bangladesh newly after gaining freedom. He deeply obseved the post wa*r condition of Bangladesh. To reshape a new golden Bangla he introdued Bakshal getting mixed with all political parties. He stood always by working class people, farmers and helpless and distres*sed people of Bangladesh.

Regrettably, the leader who helped us to take the taste of freedom, to think freely, to work freely, was as*sassinated b*rutally along with his family by some disgr*untled ar*my personnel on 15 August, 1975. A man who fou*ght all throughout his life for Bangalis’ emancipation, was as*sassinated by them. Poor Bangalis, when will you learn to evaluate real Bangalis? Jay Bangla, Jay Bangabandhu.


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